Common Humanity Collective

Autonomous mutual aid group. Nurturing the solidarity, confidence, and self-sufficiency of ordinary people.

When wildfires swept California during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the skies turned orange and toxic smoke billowed into people’s houses. Vast numbers of people, unable to afford commercial air purifiers, spent days breathing poisonous air inside poorly insulated homes.

At Common Humanity Collective, we’ve engineered designs for inexpensive, highly effective DIY air purifiers, using only a box fan, a large filter, and a few other materials.

We host builds with our decentralized network of volunteers and other local groups, then distribute free DIY air purifiers and masks in the Bay Area.

Efforts like this strengthen autonomy as ordinary people take charge of each other’s survival and nurture the spirit of mutual aid in their own communities. Our continued existence relies on your support. Please donate here.